Friday, August 29, 2008

TODAY August 29, 2008...

my dad died. It is so hard to see someone so strong all of your life wither down to almost nothing. I know that one day I will see him again, but for now I am learning to cope without him here on earth.

I am still working on my training. Today I did an hour spin class. I have a friend coming down and we are riding the Silver Comet this week.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My posts have been few and far between. I am still working out and training daily, but both of my parents have cancer. The most urgent need that I am helping with is my dad, he is battling lung cancer.
As a little girl, he was the strongest man that I knew- totally different from today as I watched him desperately trying to take a breath.

I cried most of the day.

Cancer sucks.

I am so glad that there are people out there raising money to help find a cure.

Down 3 more pounds!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Life?!?!-- It happens!

and continues to happen, even when I want it to slow down. I know that I haven't posted in a while about the training so I thought I would comment about what has been happening.
The training has been steady-every morning at 5:00-6:30 am, which is so good for me and yesterday I even did an extra hour in the evening.
I am trying to drop weight so balancing nutrition is something that I am working on. Marni Rakes has a great blog where she posts recipes and such. In the past three weeks I have dropped 9 lbs. Woo-Hoo !!! I would like 10 more. We will see what happens.

School has started this week for all of us. I like the schedules and routine that school brings. I thrive with a schedule and so does my family.
Trevor is starting 2nd grade and Roman is a big 10th grader.
I have 12 wonderful kindergarten children. I think that it is going to be a great year.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Back from the dead... I mean California

I just returned from an 8 day trip to see my mom in California. I am little out of it with the time change, but I am wanting to get outside and run.
I planned on doing the Acworth's Women Tri this coming weekend, but I don't think that it is happening. I have been away from my family for a week and they just want to be with me... so, I am opting to stay here and be with them and catch the next one August 23rd in Peachtree City.